SSEFC worships Sundays at 10:30 am & Saturdays at 5:30 pm. Please join us! | Apple Valley, Minnesota

Monday, May 24, 2010

VBS Needs You! July 26-30, 6-8:30 PM

Hopefully you have seen and heard a lot around our church about Vacation Bible School this summer--fliers, banners, slides, ministry moments on Sunday mornings....So by now you know that the VBS theme is Hero HeadQuarters - Where Kids Join Forces With God! and it's for children going into grades 1-6 (there is a preschool program available for volunteers only). And don't forget, it's an EVENING VBS from 6 to 8:30 PM, July 26-30! VBS is going to be a fun, meaningful and memorable time for the kids and you, yourself, will want to be a part of the action!

The BIGGEST thing about VBS that we want to emphasize is that it's first and foremost an OUTREACH event. We want our SSEFC kids to use VBS as an opportunity to take part in the Great Commission. At VBS this summer, our kids (and their parents) are challenged to be a Hometown Hero and invite at least ONE FRIEND who needs to hear the gospel message. Colorful fliers/registration forms are available both at the VBS table in the foyer and the Welcome Desk. So take a few and invite some children and hopefully one or more will be able to come. Summers fill up fast for people, so pray and invite today!

Hero HeadQuarters needs YOU! There are still many areas that need adult and youth volunteers. Visit the VBS table in the foyer for areas available. One of the biggest areas that need volunteers is the Crew Leader position. Crew Leaders have an assistant and their main function is to stay with their designated age-group of kids as they move from site to site (snacks, games, story time, etc.). The Crew Leader will have a great opportunity to get to know the kids, review the Bible memory verse, answer questions (about the stories, salvation, etc.), help kids with the craft, eat snacks with them,....This is a really hands on opportunity to minister to the children and play a huge part in making VBS a special experience. The more people we have willing to be Crew Leaders, the smaller and more manageable groups we can have. Please see Jeff Larson or Steph Buckland with questions regarding any of the areas that need your service.

Perhaps you can't volunteer at VBS? There are still plenty of ways you can help out. First of all, please PRAY!
  • Pray that all needed service areas get filled.
  • Pray that at least 150 children participate (with at least 50 being guests!).
  • Pray for safety, health and fun for all.
  • Pray for children to make salvation decisions for Jesus.
Also, there are opportunities for you to donate needed items for VBS. Watch for a snack board soon with listings of food items that you can donate. Also, one of the crafts the kids will be doing is decorating new, kid-sized flip flops that will be sent to children in poor parts of the world through the ministry of the Flip Flop Fleet. There is a flip flops collection box in the foyer by the Welcome Desk.

Lastly, registration is up and running. It REALLY helps the organizers to know sooner rather than later what our numbers might be. So please go online or fill out a form today. Thank you for your considered participation in VBS and thank you for your prayers.

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