SSEFC worships Sundays at 10:30 am & Saturdays at 5:30 pm. Please join us! | Apple Valley, Minnesota

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Good stuff happening on Tuesday mornings!

The Tuesday morning women's Bible study is going through Linda Dillow's book, Calm My Anxious Heart: A Woman's Guide to Finding Contentment. All 20 or so ladies are experiencing a wonderful time of worship, prayer, food, fellowship and Biblical insights on contentment - which Dillow defines as "a peace separate from our circumstances" (pg. 142). We are learning that the Lord longs for us to be content in our circumstances, our forms, our roles and our relationships. We have also been examining the barriers that keep us from experiencing contentment: greed, a faulty focus and anxiety. Dillow says, "If we want to be women of contentment, we must choose to accept our portion, our assigned roles from God. We must make the choice to dwell on the positive aspects of our role in life. If we don't, we'll be discontent, always wanting something different from what we've been given" (pg. 65).

Learning to forgive others is another must for experiencing true contentment in life. Dillow states, "As I look at His [Jesus'] response to betrayal, I am convicted. I must be willing to overlook imperfection as Jesus did. If I insist on perfection or nothing, I'll end up with nothing. I must be willing to forgive! And if you long to be content, so must you. Unless we do, our anxious hearts will not be calmed" (pg. 75).

Our time in God's Word has been rich and wonderful! Please take a look at just some of the scripture we have been studying and memorizing together: Phil. 4:6-13, Col. 3:12-14, Hebrews 13:5 and I Peter 5:6-7.

Above are just a few photos of the wonderful ladies who participate. It's never too late to join us! We meet Tuesdays at 9:20 am in room E254. The study runs through April 7th. Or please consider joining us in the Fall of '09 when we complete a Beth Moore study together.

The last photo above represents our service project. We filled two 18 gallon bins with items needed for children living at For His Glory Orphanage in Port au Prince, Haiti. A husband and wife adopting from that orphanage will be traveling to Haiti March 18th to meet their son and daughter for the first time. They will deliver the bins to the orphanage in person! What a blessing and privilege to share what we have with those who need it more! "Let us consider how we may spur one another on to love and good deeds." Hebrews 10:24

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great study this has been - I highly suggest checking it out and at least reading what Linda has to say. We will hopefully get one in the library soon, but have a couple of copies available to purchase if anyone would like one. Anixety is something most of us struggle with - this is a great resource on dealing with it and making God the master controller of EVERY area of our lives.